Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Best Husband

This next Wed. I have my 28 week doctor appt where I get to do my glucose testing. With Dallin, I was 2 points over and they made me go back to do the follow up 3 hour test. Of course my numbers were fine and I was told it was something I ate. Darn all those lucky charms I ate. I HATE getting my blood drawn. So, I don’t want to do that this time. Last Mon. I decided I would cut out sugar and while I was at it no bread. I still am eating sugar in food but don’t add it to anything and no sweets, candy, cookies, ect. And I love bread but it goes right to my hips. So, I was going to be good for a week and a half. No, I’m not as healthy an eater as I use to be and this little guy has a sweet tooth so I knew it would be hard. Ryan told me since he loves and supports me he would do it with me. He was cutting out sugar and pop. Ryan has a big sweet tooth so I knew that would be hard. We both have been really good. I was so touched by Ryan’s support. Thanks honey for being right there with me. I don’t know what I would do without you!!

This is me at 27 weeks. Yes, I finally feel and look pregnant. It’s crazy how my belly just popped out there overnight about a week ago. Some ladies at church told me they were beginning to hate me because I didn’t even look that pregnant. I am glad to have my belly. This little guy is so active. But, he was getting bigger and his home wasn’t. I wasn’t feeling him move as much. Since my belly has gotten bigger I feel him day and night again. Now our favorite thing to do at night is watch my belly move and jump. This guy does some neat tricks. I carried Dallin more along my back so my belly didn’t do many tricks. We are loving this. We are excited- only 13 weeks to go!! We can’t wait to hold and see this little guy and tell him how much we love him!!

1 comment:

Wendi and Matt said...

Lookin good! Hot mama!! And I am glad your testing went well too!