Our cute Princess is 11 months today!! She has really grown this last month. Last month started out not fun- she was teething and had a cold probably from teething. But once we got out the humidifier and rubbed her down with mentholatum every night, she got better and our happy girl came back. She now has 2 bottom teeth and 1 top tooth although her 2nd top one is so close. I thought it was coming through but it changed its mind. It is still swollen so probably any day. Her hair has also grown this last month. She has these cute curls that everyone always tells us is cute. Hannah is so close to walking. If she holds our fingers she will walk everywhere. She just needs confidence and she will be running. She loves her brothers. If they just look at her she will give them huge smiles and will laugh at them. My favorite is when Jacob isn't really doing anything- not even looking at her- but she laughs and laughs and laughs at him. She really is such an easy going, fun little girl!! She loves life and we love her so very much!!!
This is so gross but Hannah loves the toilet. I try to keep the door closed but if I forget she will find it and play in the water.
Hannah all ready for church! I love her dresses!
Hannah loves to stand. She is helping herself in our pantry.
Hannah is feasting upon the scriptures literally. I found her eating a page. Those got moved fast.
Hannah loves her blanket. All of our kids love their blanket. All she needs is her blanket to make it all better.
Again, standing and playing!
She loves to eat Top Ramen noodles. She gets those every now and then for lunch. It's so fun to watch her eat them. She can slurp them up.
Hannah's big smile I love!!
This is so cute!!!
She got oranges for the first time and yes loved them. She is like her mom- loves fruit!!
The poor flowers- Hannah got to them. I was sad because they were all blooming.
Hannah loving cantaloup for the first time!