Wednesday, January 11, 2012


We had a wonderful Christmas this year! Dallin and I are already counting down to when we can put Christmas up again, listen to Christmas music, and enjoy the spirit of Christmas!

The Thursday before Christmas, Dallin got up throwing up and threw up all morning long. It was a hard day for me putting all my efforts into not throwing up myself as I held Dallin over the toilet. I was sure glad when he was feeling better. Over the next week, we all got this stomach bug at one time or another except Jacob. He was lucky enough to not get it. I felt even worse when we got other families sick- sorry!

The next morning, the Friday before Christmas, Santa found our house some way- I didn't want to take presents down to the Valley to just bring them back.

Hannah's presents from Santa. SHe LOVES her alligator toy- what a great find.

Jacob's presents from Santa. He loves his cash register and other fun toys. Both boys got the Bugsby reading system which they love and already need new batteries for it.

Dallin's presents from Santa. He was so excited to see he got his cat piano and other fun things.
Overall Santa did very well this year and got everything on sale- I am proud of myself and the awesome deals I found- I mean- Santa found!!

We had lots of fun opening presents!!

Then, after the fun of Christmas we packed up all of our stuff and headed down to the Valley for a few days. Friday night most of the cousin's went to my parents house and we made gingerbread houses, ate pizza, and went to see the Temple lights. It was a fun night. Over the next several days we had lots of fun making memories with family! I love Christmas time and can't wait for next year!!

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